Study Group 1
Radiocommunication Sector of ITU
Wael Sayed
Chair of ITU-R SG 1
Radio spectrum and satellite orbits are two limited natural resources which are in increasing demand from a wide-range and growing number of services such as fixed, mobile, broadcasting, amateur, space research, emergency telecommunications, meteorology, global positioning systems, environmental monitoring and safety of life communication services. The Radio Sector of International Telecommunication Union (ITU-R) plays a vital role in the global management of these two important resources. This role of ITU-R wouldn’t be played without the great contributions of its study groups. This article will enlighten the role of one of these groups which is concerned of radio spectrum management and known among the specialists all over the world as ITU-R SG1.
The main objective of ITU-R SG1 is to set principles, techniques, general principles sharing, spectrum monitoring, long-term strategies for spectrum utilization, economic approaches and automated techniques in the field of radio spectrum management. In addition, Study Group 1 is working closely with relevant study groups within ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector of ITU and Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D), as well as with the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) to assist developing countries in fulfilling their national spectrum management functions. Radio spectrum management is the combination of technical and administrative procedures necessary to ensure the efficient utilization of the radio spectrum by all radiocommunication services defined in the ITU Radio Regulations and the operation of radio systems, without causing harmful interference.
ITU-R SG1 has three working parties that are specialized in three working areas. WP1A which is concerning in spectrum engineering techniques which generally include unwanted emissions, frequency tolerance, technical aspects of sharing, computer programs, technical definitions, Earth-station coordination areas and technical spectrum efficiency. WP1A currently has some topics under its study that include wireless power transmission, EMC-related interference and coexistence of wired telecommunication with radiocommunication systems, including aggregation effect and the egress of radiated interference from buildings, definition of the spectral properties of transmitter emissions, impact on radiocommunication systems from wireless and wired data transmission technologies used for the support of power grid management systems, technical and operational characteristics of the active services operating in the range 275-3 000 GHz, characteristics for use of visible light for broadband communications, general principles and methods for sharing between radiocommunication services or between radio stations and characteristics of the unwanted emissions in the out-of-band and spurious domains for digital modulation technology used in broadband communication systems. Also, WP1A was involved in preparation for some topics for WRC-19 such as identification of some frequency bands for the usage for the land-mobile and fixed services applications operating in the frequency range 275-450 GHz, while maintaining protection of the passive services. Working Party 1A is engaged in preparation for WRC-27 towards a spectrum allocation to the radiolocation service in the frequency band 231.5-275 GHz and an identification for radiolocation applications in the frequency range 275-700 GHz.
The second working party of ITU-R SG1 is WP1B which is focusing on spectrum management methodologies and economic strategies. Special interest is given to national spectrum management organization, national and international regulatory framework, flexible allocations and long-term strategies for planning. Its current study topics include long-term strategies for spectrum utilization, alternative methods of national spectrum management, spectrum redeployment as a method of national spectrum management, innovative regulatory tools for shared use of spectrum, economics aspects on spectrum management, assessment of spectrum efficiency and economic value, methodologies for assessing or predicting spectrum availability, harmonization for short-range devices and implementation and use of cognitive radio systems. Amongst those items on which Working Party 1B was engaged in preparation for WRC-19 were the studies on wireless power transmission (WPT) for electric vehicles in addition to assisting administrations in the management of unauthorized operation of earth station terminals. Working Party 1B is engaged in preparation for WRC‑23 on topics related to space weather sensors, to the use of IMT systems for fixed wireless broadband, and to the protection of stations of the aeronautical and maritime mobile services located in international airspace and waters from other stations located within national territories and using the frequency band 4800-4990 MHz.
Finally, WP1C which is specialized in spectrum monitoring is working on the development of techniques for observing the use of the spectrum, measurements techniques, inspection of radio stations, identification of emissions and location of interference sources. Currently, its study topics include: methods and techniques used in space radio monitoring, spectrum monitoring evolution (e.g. use of drones and small satellites), direction finding, electromagnetic field measurements to assess human exposure, population coverage measurement with public wireless networks and reporting of harmful interference.
Study Group 1 and its Working Parties maintain a number of Recommendations ( and Reports ( that are relating to aforementioned topics. In addition to this, ITU-R SG1 developed and currently maintains three handbooks: The Handbook on National Spectrum Management ( that describes the key elements of spectrum management and is intended for the use by both developing and developed countries, the Handbook on Spectrum Monitoring ( which is an essential accessory for all spectrum monitoring agencies in the world in developing and developed countries and the Handbook on Computer-aided Techniques for Spectrum Management (CAT) ( which contains basic material and numerous models for developing efficient projects that is assisting in implementing automated spectrum management systems.
Wael Sayed is the chairman of Study Group 1 of Radiocommunication Sector in International Telecommunication Union (ITU-R). He serves as acting head for Radio Spectrum Planning Sector in the Egyptian National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (NTRA). He joined NTRA since 2001 as junior spectrum management engineer. He started participation in the activities of ITU-R since 2003 as a member of the Egyptian delegation to the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-03).
Year-by-Year, his involvement in ITU-R activities increased till he was selected by the Egyptian Administration to the deanship of WRC-19 that was held in Sharm El-Sheikh in Egypt in October/November 2019. Also, during ITU Radio Assembly (RA-19) just prior WRC-19, he was the candidate of the Egyptian Administration to the chairmanship of the aforementioned study group.
Wael earned a bachelor degree in telecommunications and electronics engineering form Cairo University in 2000. In addition to that, he had a master of business administration (MBA) in 2018 form Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport (AASTMT). Currently, he is living in Giza-Egypt with his wife and four children.