GTPRN September 2020 Newsletter

Dear All,

Welcome to the September 2020 newsletter from the Global Telecom Policy Research Network (GTPRN).

We have the privilege this issue to have several exclusive contributions for GTPRN by high profile telecom policy practitioners and academics. We are honored to host Prof. Gerard Pogorel’s article on ‘Telecom Operators facilitating Audiovisual Streaming and Cultural Diversity, post Covid-19’.

Make sure to check Prof. Jim Isaak, Chair of IEEE USA Committee on Communications Policy, article on some of the policy challenges related to the privacy and broadband issues. 

We continue in this issue our review to the different ITU-R activities with a focus this issue on Study Group 5 ‘Terrestrial Services’ by Mr. Mohamed Abdelghany, Vice-Chair of the group. 

Finally, please share with us and with the GTPRN community your opinions, articles, views, news, announcements. Kindly also help us by spreading the word about the GTPRN community and forward this newsletter if you think it is useful to your colleagues or students. You are more than welcome to join our Facebook or LinkedIn Groups, or to subscribe directly to our website where you have the chance to comment on each article or post.

Take care, stay safe and well.

Mohamed El-Moghazi – GTPRN Team

[email protected]

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